Dental emergencies can happen at any moment, and broken teeth are one of the most common emergencies that can occur. After all, you put in years of effort to make your smile something that gives you confidence. If you don’t know how to take care of broken teeth, all that effort could be wasted. Knowing what to do when one occurs could end up saving your real teeth. Here at Rider Family Dentistry in Cherokee, Iowa, we have been expertly trained and educated on how to handle broken teeth. If you have a broken tooth, please call us and come into our office immediately.
If you are experiencing a real, life-threatening emergency, call 911 immediately.
What Do You Do With Broken Teeth?
When a tooth breaks, it happens suddenly and causes you a lot of pain. Depending on how it breaks will determine your restoration options. The inside of your tooth, the pulp, is filled with different nerves and blood vessels, and your mouth will experience intense sensitivity when the pulp becomes damaged. We recommend a cold compress to help with any swelling and inflammation and over-the-counter pain medication, ibuprofen or Tylenol, to help with the pain.
The best thing you can do is try to put the broken piece back in your mouth. This can end up saving your real teeth. Try to place the piece back into the socket and use a bandana or a handkerchief bite down, keeping the piece in place. If you cannot locate the missing pieces, apply pressure to the tooth socket, especially if there is blood. If you have trouble putting the broken tooth back into place, the best thing you can do is keep the broken pieces moist. We recommend putting it in a glass of milk and bringing it into our office. The sooner you can come in, the better your restoration options will be.
Rider Family Dentistry in Cherokee, IA:
In our office, the dentist will begin by examining the break of your teeth and the broken pieces. If possible, the dentist will restore your original tooth. If this is not the case, the dentist will go through the different restoration options available to you. The most common option is dental bonding. However, other options such as crowns, bridges, dentures, veneers, and even dental implants may be available to you. No matter the condition of your broken tooth, you can be assured that Rider Family Dentistry has all the resources necessary to restore your smile to brand new again.
Here at Rider Family Dentistry, we have been thoroughly trained and educated. We are always attending different training programs and conferences to ensure we are up-to-date with the latest technology. If you break a tooth, do not hesitate to call us. We value your smile, and we want to do what is possible to help you love your smile. To all residents of Cherokee, Iowa, you can know you are in safe hands!